But now we get to the real underlying issue, what is the point of hiding your feelings in the first place, don't you think it would just be easier to lay it all out on the table? The dude is either going to accept your feelings or they're not. Its really not that bad,the most your going to have to do is take the lost and keep it moving.
OR is the real underlying issue here that females feel as if they need to hide their feelings in order to keep a guy interested so that he doesn't feel trapped (that's Deep). Ladies if this is you ima need you to understand that if you really have to hide your feelings in order for him to accept you, your being played. He can to wateva he wants, with whoever he wants, whenever he wants, and your just mad depressed when ever he's doing it. So stop wasting your time because your just going to be mad depressed over something you can't control. I think it's time to write this in as a L in your books, Anyway you know a dude don't know what he has until its gone... so just leave (Kanye shrug).

Agreeed ! I like this !